Wednesday 16 January 2013



Historical Architecture Photo by Braedon Couvreur
This historical photo was taken through a window, in downtown Kingston at Confederation Park.
This image was photographed with a Nikon D200 DSLR camera with a 18-70mm lens.  This photograph was slightly touched up using Photoshop CS3.  The City Hall Tower is seen through the window, while Shoal Tower is seen in the reflection off the window. 


Publicity Head Shot by Braedon Couvreur
This publicity head shot was taken in studio 218 with a Nikon D5000 DSLR. The D5000 had an 18-55mm f3.5. I used a studio flash to light up the one side of the subjects face to create a Rembrandt effect. This image was edited using Adobe Photoshop CS3.


Black Line Checkers
 Using a Nikon D200 with 60mm F-2.8 Macro lens, I captured an image of glass checker pieces balancing on each other while creating a black line glass effect.  Also, this was staged on a glass playing board which gives it the sharp reflection.
Black Line Mirror
 I captured this image of 2 identical chess pieces creating a mirror effect using a Nikon D200 with 60mm F-2.8 Macro lens.  The glass playing board slowly fades to white because of the brightness of the background. 
Black Line Stack
Using a Nikon D200 with 60mm F-2.8 Macro lens, this photo captures the weight balance of the glass while creating the black line effect.  The simplicity of this image is lost in the magnification of the checker pieces.  The crisp focus tells the story of the slightly worn pieces.

Black and White
 This image was created using a glass chess board, and a tube to concentrate the light to a specific angle.  This allowed me to capture black and white line glass in one image.  Using a Nikon D200 with 60mm F-2.8 Macro lens allowed to gave another crisp, clean image.

Using a Nikon D200 with 60mm F-2.8 Macro lens, I set the exposure to 15 seconds, and multiple times I flicked a lighter, but didn't ignite the flame.  This allowed for the camera to capture the rapid spark that is produced by the lighter.

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